Do you believe in Santa Claus?



Yes I do! That would be the answer I would give if someone asked me that question above. I understand many of you might think that I am crazy to make such a statement but here me out. First of all, I understand that my parents were the ones that did the shopping and wrapped the gifts when I was young. It is what their parents did for them and what I will do for my children too someday, Lord willing. However, buying and wrapping gifts does not make anyone ‘Santa Claus’ (Sorry to any children who may be reading this).

Also when you look at the scientific capabilities of such a man existing in a way that he does, it seems to be impossible. There are now over seven billion people that live on the world today. The idea that such a man can visit each home within 24 hours is impossible. There has been an argument that I came across when I was in elementary school that Santa Claus recruited helpers. These people, which included parents, siblings, girlfriends, and other volunteers, would dress up like him in malls to ask children what they wanted as presents for the year. These people would also help push Santa’s inventories all in the name of helping little boys and girls of the world experience the holiday cheer. However, dressing up in a jolly red suit and visiting houses does not make anyone Santa either. (Once again, sorry kids!)

The idea of Santa Claus living in the North Pole also seems impractical to me. With the lack of basic necessities being created from the harsh climate, the thought that a man, his wife, hundreds of ‘elfs’, and 13 reindeer could live within a submerged snowy climate is a laughable joke.

Finland's Santa Claus©

Finland’s Santa Claus

However, the idea of Santa living in the North Pole is one many Americans seem to cling to. The Finns, on the other hand, believe that Santa lives right there in Finland. In fact, people across the world make the pilgrimage each year to get just a moment’s time of meeting this beloved man. Yet, this man is an impostor.  Santa Claus does not live in the North Pole. In fact, he does not live in Finland either. Instead, he lives in the hearts of you and me.

Although Santa Claus is not an actual person, his spirt lives on through the teachings of love and the magic of giving back to others.
Through that, he educates children to not only believe in him but to believe in themselves. By allowing that flow of love and giving back to be instilled on them, their actions will begin to show that anything can become possible as long as you believe.
Bon Jovi©Getty Images

Bon Jovi
©Getty Images

In the words of Jon Bon Jovi, “Believe in love. Believe in magic. Hell, believe in Santa Clause. Believe in others. Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams. If you don’t, who will? “

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